
Tim Scott’s Support Of Donald Trump Is Just Cringe

Donald Trump Holds New Hampshire Primary Night Event In Nashua, New Hampshire

Source: Alex Wong / Getty

Donald Trump is going to represent the Republican party in the 2024 presidential election against Joe Biden. No, the Republican National Convention hasn’t happened yet. No, the votes have not been counted. But we all knew as sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West that none of the clowns who have attempted to become the conservative nominee had a snowball’s chance in hell of unseating the first former POTUS to ever come under criminal indictment.

Donald Trump Holds New Hampshire Primary Night Event In Nashua, New Hampshire

Source: Alex Wong / Getty

Two of those clowns, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott and presidential campaign quitter Vivek Ramaswamy painted their faces, laced up their big shiny shoes and donned their most luxurious red noses this week to tickle Trump’s taint in Nashua, New Hampshire, as they officially endorsed him for president in the most embarrassing and undignified way possible. Scott’s performance in particular drew the ire of several notable figures in political culture and beyond, specifically the Rev. Al Sharpton who explained his cringing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Scott’s “I just love you” comment was a bootlicking response to an emasculating question Trump asked him about whether or not he believed that presidential hopeful Nikki Haley, Scott’s colleague, as a fellow South Carolina senator and the woman who literally appointed him to the Senate, was truly supportive of him. According to the Guardian, Trump asked, “Did you ever think [Haley] actually supported you, Tim? And you’re the senator of her state. And [you] endorsed me. You must really hate her.”


Social media provided Scott no quarter for his obsequious slurping, slobbering and swallowing shenanigans…

Tim Scott should be ashamed, but he’s not, and that’s the problem.

Source link : bossip.com

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