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Flag Football added to the 2028 Olympics

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After many years of wanting to implement new sports, the 2028 Olympics will soon introduce flag football to the global stage.

Flag football involves 10 individuals with a 5-on-5 on each side of the field. Unlike football, in flag football, there are no offensive and defensive lineman. The “tackles” are concluded when a person on one team grabs the flag off the belt of the opposing team.

Flag football
Photo Courtesy: The Charlotte Observer.

The proposal was made to put flag football on the program following the Summer Games U.S. return after 32 years.

According to The Guardian, “that will delight the NFL, which has been pushing for it as an Olympic event to grow interest in their game worldwide.”

During the proposal meetings in Mumbai, India, The International Olympic Committee not only approved flag football to make its 2028 Olympics debut, but also baseball, softball, cricket, lacrosse, and squash.

The Olympic Games is out to change the expected perspective on sports and entertainment.

CEO Kathy Carter stated, “We approached the process holistically and authentically, ensuring that our decisions were grounded in the Games’ commitment to fiscal responsibility. And we’ve landed on a bold and balanced proposal that will energize the Games with culturally relevant competition and boundless possibility.” 

The additional new games are also supported by LA Chairman, Casey Wasserman, who believes that the new sports are “relevant, innovative and community-based, played in backyards, schoolyards, community centers, stadiums, and parks across the U.S and the globe.”

Flag football offers the fun without the risk. Not only is it a similar version to football, but it is also less violent to one’s own body.

It is a safer method for people to enjoy football, while also being safe. Dan Durbin, the director of the Institute of Sports stated, “The NFL is such a uniquely American sport and this is their big, global try.”

With the addition of flag football, many more individuals will look foward to watching the 2028 Olympics. Showcasing new faces and talents, the international event will surely welcome an American audience to watch the games.

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