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Nikki Haley endorses Trump after calling him ‘unstable’ and ‘unfit’

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Nikki Haley, who just a few months ago referred to Donald Trump as “unstable”, now says she will vote for him.

The announcement represents a stunning about-face from the former UN Ambassador.

In a speech in February before supporters in South Carolina, Haley positioned herself as a politician of conviction and courage.

“Many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace Trump privately dread him,” she told the crowd. “They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They’re just too afraid to say it out loud.”

“Well, I’m not afraid to say the hard truths out loud. I feel no need to kiss the ring,” she continued. “My own political future is of zero concern.”

Now, just ninety days later, Haley appears to have bowed to political pressure and kissed the ring.

In an interview with CNN, Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton blasted his colleague’s decision.

“I think she has obviously made a political calculation that it is in her interests to support Donald Trump,” he said.

Bolton, who also served as the UN Ambassador under President George W. Bush, added that he was “disappointed”.

Nikki Haley’s decision to endorse Trump, who earlier this week posted a campaign video with references to Nazi Germany, is made even more perplexing by the constant attacks the former president hurled at her. For months, Trump attacked Haley’s faith and heritage, her parents, and even her husband’s military service.

And yet, like almost every other candidate who’s faced vicious attacks from Trump, she endorsed him anyway.

In 2016, Marco Rubio endorsed Trump after the now-former president questioned the size of Rubio’s genitalia on a debate stage. That same year, Ted Cruz also voiced his support even after Trump slandered Cruz’s wife and father.

Now Haley, who many speculate is looking toward a 2028 presidential run, has done the same.

Strangely, however, her endorsement of Trump comes a day after the former president suggested suspending the US Constitution so he could remain in power beyond a second term.

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