
O.J. Simpson Was Seen Looking Down Bad In Las Vegas

O.J Simpson was seen looking a bit frail as he made his way around Las Vegas.

On Nov 6, the infamous O.J. Simpson was seen looking a bit frail as he made his way around Las Vegas. According to the New York Post, Simpson was seen hunched over and limping as he exited a black SUV. Simpson, who is now 76-years-old, was wearing a gray polo shirt, and a matching tracksuit, also carried an iPad under his arm. 

Simpson was a star athlete at USC before getting drafted first overall by the Buffalo Bills in 1969. Simpson would play for the organization for eight years before playing the last two years with the San Francisco 49ers before being forced to retire in 1979 due to a knee injury.

Simpson would become infamous due to a low speed car chase that interrupted the 1994 NBA Finals matchup between the Houston Rockets and New York Knicks. According to then Knicks assistant coach Jeff Van Gundy, Simpson’s college teammate and driver of Simpson’s white Bronco, A.C. Cowlings, the game is partially why the chase happened.

Van Gundy told the Houston Chronicle, “Cowlings waved him over and proceeded to tell him the story of why they were driving so slowly: O.J. wanted to hear the end of the game on the radio before he pulled in,” Van Gundy said.

“And when Coach Riley told us that story, I was like, mesmerized by what really goes on. Like I could just see him having a gun to his head, saying: ‘Turn up the radio, A.C., so I can hear the last few minutes.’”

The O.J. Simpson murder trial which saw Simpson accused of the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ron Goldman, was referred to as the ‘Trial of the Century.” It was further cemented in the public imagination when Simpson’s lawyer Johnnie Cochran told Simpson to try on the gloves, spawning the phrase that will likely outlive both men associated with it, “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.”

Cochran also instructed Simpson to show the scars on his legs from the knee surgeries he had in the late 1970s, which Cochran used to plant doubt that Simpson was able to move well enough to kill his ex-wife and Goldman. Simpson, as we know, was eventually acquitted of the charges. 

In 2017, Simpson was released from prison after serving nine years for armed robbery and kidnap stemming from an attempt to reclaim sports memorabilia he said was stolen from him. Since his release, Simpson has maintained a relatively low profile but is very active on Twitter/X , mostly commenting on sports, politics, and occasionally court cases through short videos. 

RELATED CONTENT: O.J. Simpson Thought He Woke Up In Hell After Recent Surgery Because He Heard A Wu-Tang Clan Song

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