Black In Tech

Scribble: The One Stop Shop for Writers Everywhere 

Have you ever sat down to write a book and realized that you are not even sure where to begin?

Torrey Butler, Founder/ CEO, Scribble

Nevermind a first word or line, or even a title, figuring out the nitty gritty details can often bog you down and leave you with a terrible case of writer’s block. While there are many helpful resources for authors that can guide you on the right path, it isn’t often that they have all the features one needs, such as note-taking or a space to get advice from other writers. The process can be overwhelming enough without scouring the internet to look for resources that may or may not help you. That’s why Torrey C. Butler came up with the idea for an app that does it all. 

Raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Torrey got his drive for success by watching his mother, an immigrant from Nassau, Bahamas. “I watched her closely,” stated Butler. “Understanding that she came to the States with nothing to her name. But made it happen on her own. To be honest, that’s the source of everything.” He understood his purpose from a young age, and from then, was determined to grow into the picture of achievement and perseverance. 

The Scribble App is a unique concept, with writers and their needs at the forefront of its development. Torrey developed a passion for writing while studying Criminal Justice at Savannah State University, and the process quickly opened his eyes to the many struggles writers face when creating their works. “The idea came to me after the writing process of my first book,” says the Founder and CEO of the Scribble app, who published his award-winning memoir Where Do I Go from Here in 2020. “I remembered how alone I felt, how scattered and scarce information was. So, I decided to develop a platform to bridge the gap between information and people.” 

The idea of Scribble first came to Torrey in December of 2020. In the beginning, Torrey didn’t have much in terms of a skill set when it came to app development. “I spent close to six months researching things like, ‘How to develop an app’ and ‘How to start an LLC’’. I reached out to many Angel investors, venture capitalist companies, and various investment groups to pitch my idea in hopes of securing start-up money. By month four, I had received zero help.” That didn’t stop Torrey from fulfilling his goal. After using his own money to fund the idea, he began app development in June 2021 and released the first version of Scribble only a year later.

One of the standout advantages of software engineering bootcamps is the emphasis on hands-on, real-world experience. Through project-based learning and collaboration with industry professionals, bootcamp participants gain invaluable insights into the challenges they will face in the field. This immersive approach fosters the development of a robust skill set, preparing you to tackle real-world scenarios and hit the ground running from day one. 

The search for a development team that had the same passion for his project as he did was no easy feat. “Your vision is special, so you need to thoroughly consider developers until you find the right one who is speaking the same language. That shared mental model,” Torrey advised. He described how he met with several different teams, going through phone and video interviews until he found one that enjoyed talking about his idea as much as he did. “The passion was there so I knew results would follow.” Three years later, with new features and a framework upgrade that allows easy navigation and accessibility, the work of Torrey and his development team shines through.

In Mr. Butler’s own words “Scribble is not only a social networking platform.” The Scribble App boasts many different resources, from a note-taking aspect that allows writers to jot down and organize their thoughts, to a dashboard where they can post their ideas and reach out to other members of the Scribble community. Authors are even able to post their works in the Scribble Library for all to see and immerse themselves in.

The task of publishing and marketing can often be daunting, especially when it comes to making your work stand out in a sea of other titles. The Scribble Library makes that process much simpler. According to Butler, “I figured I’d incorporate some kind of way to allow members to not only express themselves here but also promote their books while they’re at it, for thousands and soon millions of people to see. In my mind, this would give another outlet for creators to promote themselves and their work”. This feature is open to premium subscription members, allowing them to upload their book cover, provide details and summary, and external links for other members of the Scribble community to access their work. Along with the Scribble library, which is a part of the Scribble Premium package, users also have the option to get Unlimited Notes Usage, allowing them to scribble and organize their thoughts to their heart’s content. 

Planning and publishing a book, however, is only one part of the game. Scribble allows users to network with one another through several functions- the social media-esque dashboard, a tab for posting questions and answering those that already exist, and a chat feature that connects authors from all over the world. Torrey states that, “The world is quickly becoming a place of expression, in all forms. More than before, people are interested in entrepreneurship and more specifically, writing a book. We merge the two concepts… With Scribble, everyone can network, connect, and inevitably discover opportunities just by having this platform that brings those individuals together.”

So what are the plans for Scribble in the future? With all these features in one easily accessible app, it seems the future is bright. “The goal I have for Scribble is to continue to trust the process, every step of the way.” With hopes of working with publishing companies, literary agents, editors and more, users can expect even more to discover and more opportunities to get their work seen. “In five years, I see Scribble being a platform for all creative minds to network and connect.” There’s no doubt that Torrey Butler’s idea will grow into something ever more extraordinary, benefitting writers just starting out, or those with skin in the game. The sky’s the limit, and it starts with a Scribble.

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